Autumn Days
Discover the Wonders of the Autumn Season
For Grades K-1
( $14.95 /87 pp / 8.5x11 / Reusable plastic package

Autumn is a great season to study in your classroom. The
landscape changes, leaves fall from the trees, gardens are harvested and
animals hibernate. This unit discusses how leaves change colour, what animals
and insects do in the autumn and how we prepare for autumn and winter.
There are many fun and challenging activities designed for the young learner.

- Easy to read Autumn Book containing factual
information about the Season and a Science Booklet to make.
- Easy to follow activities that provide skill practise
in computers, language arts, reading, creative writing, research,
math, science and arts & crafts.
- Simple Science experiments that may be
performed in small groups or as whole class instruction.
- Fun activities consisting of crossword puzzles
and connect the dots.
- Songs sung to familiar tunes.
- Fun, rhythmic poems to read aloud.
- A play to perform
- Reproducible writing paper
- Pocket chart cards

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