Black Bats, Cats and Witch's Hats
The Story of Hallowe'en
For Grades 2-3
( $15.95 /99 pp / 8.5x11
/ Reusable plastic package )

Celebrate Hallowe'en with your class and help your students
become aware of why we celebrate Hallowe'en and the customs and symbols
associated with this spooky day. Your students will also learn about spiders,
bats and owls. There are many challenging and fun activities to stimulate
children's interest in this eerie day.

- Information cards on spiders, bats, owls, Hallowe'en
symbols and the history of Hallowe'en.
- Easy to follow activities that provide skill practice
in computers, language arts, reading, creative writing, research,
math, science and arts & crafts.
- Simple Science experiments that may be
performed in small groups or as whole class instruction.
- Fun activities consisting of games, party ideas,
puzzles and connect the dots.
- Songs sung to familiar tunes.
- Fun, rhythmic poems to read aloud.
- A play to perform
- Be A Ghost Writer
- Recipes for Hallowe'en treats.

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