A Visit To The North Pole
Learn All About the Humans And Creatures
That Inhabit The Arctic Region
For Grades K - 4
( $14.95 / 97pp / 8.5x11/
Reusable plastic package )

Let your class enjoy the winter months while learning
about the mysterious North Pole. Students will study the Inuit and their
lifestyle and learn all about the wildlife found at the North Pole. They
will discover how humans and animals adapt to life in the Arctic. They
will also learn about famous explorers of the North Pole and learn how
environmental disasters affect wildlife.

- Easy to read Info Cards containing factual information
about the North Pole.
- Easy to follow activities that provide skill practice
in language
arts, reading, creative writing, research, math, science and
arts & crafts.
- Simple Science experiments that may be performed
by individual students, in small groups or as whole
class instruction.
- Fun activities consisting of crossword puzzles, word
searches and word and math puzzles.
- Songs sung to familiar tunes
- Fun, rhythmic poems to read aloud.
- Reproducible writing paper
- List of vocabulary words defined in easy terms

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