Totally Cool School
A Learning Adventure
For Grades 2-3
( $14.95 /93 pp / 8.5x11
/ Reusable plastic package )
Take your class on a learning adventure that will reinforce
skills and introduce new ones. Students will learn about their school and
classmates by completing activities that promote higher level thinking

- Easy to follow activities that provide skill practise
in computers, language arts, reading, creative writing, research,
math, science and arts & crafts.
- Simple Science experiments that may be
performed by individual students, in small groups or as whole class instruction.
- Fun activities consisting of word
puzzles, word searches and math puzzles.
- Songs sung to familiar tunes.
- Fun, rhythmic poems to read aloud.
- A play to perform.
- Reproducible writing paper.
- Happy Grams

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