
Debbie's Unit Factory
1997 Guest Book

I am a thematic kindergarten teacher and I love your ideas! I'd love to share theme ideas with other kdg. teachers
Linda McCardle <w.mccardle_at_mindspring.>
Fortson, GA USA - Wednesday, December 31, 1997 at 12:36:10 (PST)
I really enjoyed your page. Thank you for all of the great ideas! I will use them in my classroom!!!
Amy Matzke <Amella_at_aol.>
Daytona Beach, FL - Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 18:19:52 (PST)
A great site!
Rhonda McCarty <mccarty_at_montana.>
Great Falls, MT USA - Sunday, December 28, 1997 at 06:20:09 (PST)
I am a new home schooler and I found this site quite by accident, but I
am glad I did. There is a wealth of info here and I will definitely be
recommending it to my friends.
Lisa Nolden <lnolden_at_aol.>
Newport News, VA USA - Saturday, December 27, 1997 at 20:54:07 (PST)
I'm hoping to use your unit "A Visit to the North Pole" with my third grade
Resource Room students (part-time special ed. service) as they study the
Inuit and tundra. Looks like a great resource!
Karen Vitek <kvitek_at_nassau.sufsd.dcboces.>
Poughkeepsie, NY USA - Friday, December 26, 1997 at 21:42:52 (PST)
This looks like a fun, educational page. Nice work.
Melanie Katz <melaniek>
Brooklyn, NY USA - Tuesday, December 23, 1997 at 08:38:59 (PST)
A homeschool mom looking for more ideas
Eileen Neufeld <aneufeld_at_uniserve.>
Abbotsford, BC CANADA - Monday, December 22, 1997 at 09:28:14 (PST)
Hi Debbie. I found your page surfing for activities to do with our preschool as we enter our Unit on The Gingerbread Man. We use the storybook based cirriculum, and I'll add you to my links of on line teaching resources. Thanks!
Lisa Boyer <attila01_at_sprynet.>
Arvada, CO CANADA - Thursday, December 18, 1997 at 13:16:59 (PST)
Lots of great Christmas links!
Deb <princes_at_erinet.>
OH CANADA - Thursday, December 04, 1997 at 21:18:09 (PST)
Was surfing something for our children, ages 6,8 &9 to have fun with. They are going to love it. Expecially the arts and crafts. I look forward to sharing it with them. Thanks!
Colleen Torrence <colgino_at_rockies.>
golden, B.C. CANADA - Wednesday, December 03, 1997 at 23:00:36 (PST)
With 2 kids to keep entertained , I love your page, it will keep them busy for days. THANKS DEBBIE!!!!!!!!!!
Debbie Sherlock <sherlock_at_pronet..au>
Townsville, Qld AUSTRALIA - Tuesday, December 02, 1997 at 17:56:05 (PST)
Thanks for the great web site. I am a teaching assistant and work with 1st and 2nd grade math. Got some great info.
Donna <dgrant_at_yahoo.>
Sherman, TX USA - Friday, November 21, 1997 at 06:50:25 (PST)
Thank You!
Deb <DCARA3037_at_aol.>
oooo, OR USA - Tuesday, November 18, 1997 at 18:14:10 (PST)
I've just started homeschooling my 2 children, ages 8 and 13.
We have already made good use of some of your ideas.
Thanks for your help.
darlene <dknicely_at_webgate..>
orillia, on CANADA - Monday, November 17, 1997 at 19:40:12 (PST)
very helpful site! am a high school French teacher but taking the TESl
program at night. susan in montreal okeefe_at_marasuca.
susan okeefe <okeefe#marasuca.>
montreal, qc CANADA - Sunday, November 16, 1997 at 20:49:34 (PST)
I am a full time student. I have an AA degree in elementary education.
I veiw your sight at least twice a week to collect ideas for the future.
Amanda Donoughe <fudpace_at_hotmail.>
. - Wednesday, November 12, 1997 at 19:22:37 (PST)
I am a student teacher and have found your web sight to be very helpful in my unit on insects. Keep up the good work, you help make things easier for future teachers.
CANADA - Wednesday, November 12, 1997 at 17:11:18 (PST)
I love your sight! I have used you as a reference point.. thanks from a greatful new homeschooling mom.
marie <montourm_at_nh.ultranet.>
york, me usa - Monday, November 10, 1997 at 15:47:27 (PST)
Thanks for lots of very good ideas! Have a great day!
Suzanne McClendon <irishiz_at_bellsouth.>
SC USA - Tuesday, November 04, 1997 at 20:27:12 (PST)
This is a really immpressive web site for teachers. I look forward to visiting here often.
Jane Stroop <jstroop_at_yahoo.>
Verona, VA US - Sunday, November 02, 1997 at 12:02:03 (PST)
Great Site! I'll visit again.
Robin Stock <HotRod97 _at_SWBell>
Wichita, Ks USA - Saturday, November 01, 1997 at 15:56:36 (PST)
I am a preservice teacher in a field-based program and I look forward to exploring your site. Your prices seem very reasonable. I have written two units and am currently working on a third as part of my class requirements. Believe me, I know how much work goes in to one!
Lori Criswell <tbmlcriswell_at_peachnet.campus.mci.>
Vidalia, GA USA - Saturday, October 25, 1997 at 11:36:34 (PDT)
YPSILANTI, MI UNITED STATES - Wednesday, October 22, 1997 at 11:46:22 (PDT)
We just found your site. It's really cool and interesting and great for lots
lots of ages. Thanks,Matthew age 7.
Matthew W
Edmonton, ab CANADA - Sunday, October 19, 1997 at 10:48:28 (PDT)
I plan to homeschool my 3 children starting next fall. I am currently collecting curriculum ideas for my family.
Joyce <joyce_at_taptelecom.>
Livermore, CA USA - Friday, October 17, 1997 at 11:44:04 (PDT)
Thank you for helping me out with my project on ants!
Astrid Pleym Loeseth <HELOE_at_statoil.no>
Trondheim, Norway - Thursday, October 02, 1997 at 11:49:32 (PDT)
I find this web site just delightful, an inspirition for homeschoolers!!!
Rhonda <bill_at_erinet.>
Middletown, OH USA - Tuesday, September 30, 1997 at 20:38:39 (PDT)
I liked the quizes. It was very well done
Christine Bajurny
Scarb, Ont CANADA - Monday, September 29, 1997 at 12:38:52 (PDT)
I am a teachers assistant who works for head start with children three to five years of age. I will soon student teach and I am getting ready but was looking for some lessons to help expand on my ideas.Thanks for the great ideas I will be back again.
jane ryder <jryder_at_mail.ptdprolog.>
jim thorpe, pa usa - Sunday, September 28, 1997 at 20:36:14 (PDT)
I am new to home schooling and out browsing for ideas.
Linda Joseph <djoseph_at_eci.>
CT CANADA - Thursday, September 25, 1997 at 16:50:34 (PDT)
Thanks, This is just what I needed! I am an arts and crafts teacher for grades K-8 and I am always searching for new ideas. I'll be back often.
Cheryl Mills <Jesus4givs_at_aol.>
Hayard, CA, CA USA - Saturday, September 20, 1997 at 11:06:05 (PDT)
I am an intern this year in a kindergarten class. Just browsing for some ideas. Thanks -
Kristi McKinley <MX%"MCKINLEY_at_uamont.edu">
Monticello, AR United States - Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 23:02:24 (PDT)
Great Ideas!!! Thanks!!!
Shauna Young <mickey_at_cvc.>
Klamath Falls, OR USA - Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 19:13:23 (PDT)
I am excited about seeing more and hope to use some things I've already seen.
Toni Gafford <tgaf_at_juno.>
San Angelo, TX USA - Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 11:56:13 (PDT)
This is great! I'm a reading ed. grad student doing some surfing for teacher friends. This is a great stop and gives some fantastic links.
Moriah Larson <mlarson_at_clemson.edu>
Clemson, SC USA - Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 17:39:47 (PDT)
Very informative. I love all the different ideas. I hope you keep them coming. Thanks!
L.Wade <Topside4_at_aol.>
Louisville, TN USA - Friday, September 12, 1997 at 22:38:19 (PDT)
This is a great site for educators!! So glad I found it; can't wait to
tell other teachers about it! Thank you for all the information/
lesson plans!
CANADA - Friday, September 12, 1997 at 19:19:55 (PDT)
Thank you for your site, as a pre-service teacher I enjoy looking for
ideas that may help me in the future.
Tanya L. Calderon <stu08033_at_aug.edu>
Augusta, GA US - Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 09:47:14 (PDT)
I am a homeschooler and I like your site.
Orange Park, FL USA - Sunday, September 07, 1997 at 16:40:41 (PDT)
I have just started my school year for my children. We are 2nd year homeschoolers and I certainly can use all the help I can get. Thanks for being here.
Judy Lynn Lester <jlljldjls>
St. Augustine, FL USA - Thursday, September 04, 1997 at 07:25:07 (PDT)
i am so happy to have found your page. I am returning to school this winter to finish my ed. degree and i will enjoy using your material. I will try them out first on y two children at home.
amy gomillion <monte_gomillion_at_dell.>
woodstock, ga us - Saturday, August 30, 1997 at 10:48:24 (PDT)
Great Site!!! Keep up the excellent work...really like how you have organized things.
A. Bogensberger <bogie_at_ican.>
Sault Ste. Marie, ONT CANADA - Monday, August 25, 1997 at 19:57:02 (PDT)
Hey! You have some cute ideas. I have enjoyed browsing through your work.
K. McDaniel
Owingsville, KY U.S.A. - Monday, August 18, 1997 at 21:16:03 (PDT)
This was a wonderful site. I found some great ideas. Keep up the good work and I would love to have you E-mail me if you have any additional information or ideas. Thanks again!
Judy J. <Dukie_at_aol.>
Davidsonville, MD USA - Saturday, August 16, 1997 at 20:39:20 (PDT)
Thanks for offering an informative page. I just recently found this sight and have taken advantage of all the wonderful ideas!
Kelly Kent
Choctaw, ok USA - Friday, August 15, 1997 at 20:33:34 (PDT)
I'm doing some work for a project with the Deptartment of Ed. Great job on the webpage -- it's wonderful to see teachers helping teachers!
Jenn Lindberg <jxlind_at_maila.wm.edu>
Williamsburg, va United States - Friday, August 15, 1997 at 08:44:49 (PDT)
I am a student teacher and will be graduating in December. I love your web sight!
Heidi Straughan <heidi_at_bellsouth.>
Duluth, GA USA - Sunday, August 10, 1997 at 12:44:11 (PDT)
Great Site!
Susan Wilheit <wilheit_at_leo.infi.>
Columbus, GA USA - Saturday, August 09, 1997 at 15:03:33 (PDT)
Elda <girls4_at_mis.>
Richmond, Ky CANADA - Thursday, August 07, 1997 at 14:58:29 (PDT)
I'll be back me hearties !!!
Stourbridge, England - Wednesday, August 06, 1997 at 15:18:52 (PDT)
I think this is a great resource of information just like the rest
of the subjects. Please e-mail me if you have any ideas you would like
to share or if you need any information. I am getting ready for my students
teaching and all the information I can get to help me would be really appreciated!
Aaron Vaughn <av2_at_uakron.edu>
Akron, OOH United States - Wednesday, August 06, 1997 at 13:02:12 (PDT)
Great Page
CANADA - Tuesday, August 05, 1997 at 13:14:13 (PDT)
great web site
Darlene <ad>
yonkers, NY us - Saturday, August 02, 1997 at 17:30:57 (PDT)
I was surfing the net looking for information for k-12 students
and found your website. I really enjoyed. Your information and links are
great. I will visit here again. Thank you.
l. hayes <tcbkids_at_aol.>
va CANADA - Friday, August 01, 1997 at 20:42:24 (PDT)
I am a new Special Education Teacher for Severely Emotionally Disturbed
3,4 5 and fifth graders. I have 2 assistants and between 8-10 kids in my
class. I would like to know how long you spend on each thematic unit, and
I am interested in buying some of your plans. First I have to make sure
that it goes along with the program I teach. Some of my children have dyslexia,
or processing problems, and others are above average intelligence. Loved
your site, Laura
Laura Tollefson <ljt_at_gte.>
L.A., California USA - Thursday, July 31, 1997 at 09:31:42 (PDT)
I hope to hear more from your service. Thanks!
Ricky <Borg22of30_at_hotmail.>
Palm, FL USA - Monday, July 28, 1997 at 17:29:06 (PDT)
Good Work! I am looking for a Test - The Dale Jordan Leveling Test.
If anyone knows where it is out there, feel free to contact me. Thanks
Debbie for your PAGE!
DBryk <dbryk_at_star08322.galstar.>
Tulsa, OK U.S. - Friday, July 25, 1997 at 09:36:30 (PDT)
homeschooling daughter next school year, and am looking for a cirriculum
for her.
atkinson <nickiatk_at_planttel.>
thomasville, ga u.s.a. - Thursday, July 24, 1997 at 13:51:40 (PDT)
Thank-you for a wonderful web site. I hope to use some of these
ideas and visit your website often in my fifth grade classroom.
Vicki E. Banas
Pickerington, OH USA - Wednesday, July 23, 1997 at 15:46:32 (PDT)
I will be student teaching soon and it is incredibly encouraging
for me, to see teachers helping and sharing with other teachers!! This
web page has given me some great insight on what I can do with my students.
I hope to make a web site of my own so I can share some of my lesson ideas
with everyone too! It's good to know that there is a lot of support out
there!! Thanks Debbie, you're really setting a precedence for other teachers
and future teachers like myself!! :)smile!!!
Kelly Larson <waiting
for one, I'll come back and record it!!>
Rochester, MN USA - Wednesday, July 23, 1997 at 14:49:41 (PDT)
Great Site!!! Thanks for the samples.
Rachel VanDyke <bryan_at_iserv.>
Grand Rapids, MI USA - Tuesday, July 22, 1997 at 05:30:00 (PDT)
I love the winter pages. Do you have others for different seasons?
Trish Young <LYoung632B_at_aol.>
Columbus, GA USA - Monday, July 21, 1997 at 09:22:16 (PDT)
Debbie, I'm a non-traditional student about to student teach. I
was thrilled to find your page. What great ideas! I will share them with
my daughter (yes my daughter) who is a kindergarten teacher. Any time you
have more good ideas, please share. I will check back periodically as time
permits. Trish
Trish <peacocks_at_epix.>
PA USA - Tuesday, July 15, 1997 at 09:43:11 (PDT)
Dear Debbie, I have been invaded by meat-eating ants for the first
time, and in the spirit of "if you can't beat 'em, study 'em"
went searching for ant info. Thank you for a great resource. I still don't
know how to get rid of them, but I'm a big softie anyway. Thanks again.
Sincerely, Annette
Annette <annettema_at_aol.>
San Diego, CA US - Sunday, July 13, 1997 at 13:35:25 (PDT)
Debbie, Thank you for this site. I have found information to help
me spice up my unit on ants. Sandy
Sandy <Angel893_at_AOL.>
Jefferson, USA - Wednesday, July 09, 1997 at 06:29:45 (PDT)
This is a wonderful site. I love all the great links and activities.
Jasmin J. Jackson
CANADA - Sunday, June 29, 1997 at 19:51:45 (PDT)
WOW! Thanks so much for all the wonderful ideas. I really enjoyed
the story stretcher on Frog and Toad! It's funny because just about 2 hours
ago I was thinking how to expand my everyday lessons on the weather and
the thought of measuring rainfall came to mind. But I wasn't sure how to
go about it. I teach second grade and your ideas for measuring rainfall
was great! I'll let you know how it works!
Melissa Patterson-Becker <mbecker_at_nonlethal.>
Arcadia, CA USa - Tuesday, June 24, 1997 at 22:44:32 (PDT)
Hi Debbie, was just browsing throw and found that I don't know nothing
about the gold mining business LOL guess I better do some studing myself
and then try your other tests. This was fun though and it gave me some
input on what I need to learn about if I'm going to teach. Have a great
day. Sue
sue <SeaSaw2mch_at_aol.>
USA - Tuesday, June 24, 1997 at 11:03:35 (PDT)
Excellent! This is what I was hoping to find all along. Now I know
where to find most anything I could want. Thank you. I'll Be back again
Anna Holloway <mholloway_at_mail.odyssey.>
McGraw, NY US - Sunday, June 22, 1997 at 20:19:09 (PDT)
Bravo! I love your web site. I definitely have it bookmarked! We are studying
the Westward Expansion of the U.S. If you ever want some info. in that
area let me know. I think you need to write a book though! ;-)
Keep up the good work.
See you on Unit Study Coffeetable...
Dorene Farr <dfarr_at_greatnorthern.>
Arlington, WA USA - Sunday, June 22, 1997 at 15:47:14 (PDT)
Great helps!! Thanks
Dawn Freeman <freemanr_at_iocc.>
Arkadelphia, AR USA - Sunday, June 22, 1997 at 11:38:35 (PDT)
I am a library media specialist and I enjoy visiting the different
lesson plan sites to see what others are doing with their students. We
are located in the Appalachian Mountains and are remote in our location.
We enjoy visiting different areas via the web. If you have any connecting
plans please E-mail me and I will try to find a teacher to collaborate
with you.
Catherine Childers <cchilders_at_kymtnnet.>
Virgie, KKY USA - Tuesday, June 17, 1997 at 13:33:37 (PDT)
Thank you for a most informative and fun site. I would like to receive
ideas for teaching the theme "The Farm" to children of 4-5 years
old. I am currently studying to be a pre-primary school teacher in Johannes
-burg, South Africa and any resources would be most useful. Resources from
other visitors to this site would be most welcome too. Thanks.
Bardine Saber <apsaber_at_global.co.za>
Johannesburg, S. Africa - Saturday, June 14, 1997 at 12:25:24 (PDT)
neat site! Thanks For the Info!
Kelly <MsAbcGirl_at_aol.>
Modesto, CA USA - Saturday, June 07, 1997 at 20:36:51 (PDT)
Hi! I hope you enjoy my web site. Please leave any comments you would
like here. If you like, you may post a message indicating any themes you
are looking for information on as well.
Debbie Gutosky <dgutosky@themeunits.com>
Prince George, BC CANADA - Tuesday, June 03, 1997 at 18:25:00 (PDT)
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