September Links

Back To School Lesson Plans & Ideas
Back To School Ideas
School's Cool!
Help your Kindergarten and grade one students become familiar with their school surroundings
and develop their self esteem through these hands on activities provided in this
Debbie's Unit Factory theme
School's Cool! Connect The Dots
Use this Math activity with your class. K-1 children will have fun counting from 1-20 to make a picture.
Totally Cool School
A complete learning adventure for grades 2-3. Your students will develop self esteem,
reinforce previously learned skills and learn new ones through higher level thinking
activities. View more
great themes to help
ease your work load during the school year.
Totally Cool School Word
Puzzle Your students will have fun solving this puzzle while reinforcing skills.
Autumn Days (K-1)
Autumn is a great season to study in your classroom. The landscape changes,
leaves fall from the trees, gardens are harvested and animals hibernate. This
Debbie's Unit Factory theme
book discusses how leaves change colour, what animals and insects do in the autumn and how we
prepare for autumn and winter. There are many fun and challenging activities designed for the
young learner.
Baskets Of Apples Theme Unit
Help your K-1 class learn how
apples develop from blossoms in the spring time to apples ready for harvest in the autumn.
Your class will learn what is inside an apple and will grow their own apple trees from seed.
They will learn about the legends of Johnny Appleseed and John McIntosh. There are many science
experiments, craft projects, recipes to make, books to read aloud and a play to perform.
TeacherTalk 3(1): Great Ideas - "Icebreakers"
Students will learn each others names by playing this game. A good icebreaker for that first
day of school.
Teacher Talk3(1): Great Ideas - "Truth and Lies Game"
Students will learn things about each other they may not have the opportunity to learn otherwise.
A good icebreaker activity.
Teacher Talk3(1): Great Ideas - "Who's in the Bag"
Students learn about each other by bringing in objects from home that tell about their personality.
Classroom Management
Classroom Management
Here you will find many different ideas to make "back to school" time easier.
There are getting to know you suggestions, bulletin board ideas, classroom management
techniques and so much more.
Here you will find many ideas and suggestions to help you fill your classroom with the essentials.
Strategies for Classroom Management
Here you will find ideas to help you with your classroom management. There are suggestions for
seating arrangements, communication ideas, how to deliver instruction and much more.
Bulletin Board Ideas
The Teacher's Corner
Here is a collection of bulletin board ideas.
Teacher Ideas
This site has lots of ideas to make the first week of school special.
Here is a unit on the Family complete with Unit Evaluation ideas.
All About Me
The Self
Here are lesson ideas to teach the concept of Self.
All About Me
This is a theme unit for primary students. You will find bulletin board ideas, cooking, art, language arts, music and literature ideas as well as sample lesson plans.
Magnificent Me
This theme unit is written for Kindergarten children and has cross curricular
teaching ideas.
My Body, the Inside Story (integrated unit), Index: Henry County Public Schools
This theme unit is written for grade 2 students and is all about the body. Students learn about the digestive, circulatory systems etc.
Grade One Social Studies - Table of Contents
This is a theme unit for grade 1 students. It includes self concept teaching ideas, families, responsibilities and much, much more.
The Five Senses
The Five Senses
This collection of lesson plan ideas teaches children about the 5 senses.
Fairy Tales
Cinderella Stories
You will find a collection of variations on Cinderella. There are also teaching ideas on
the various forms of the story.

Gingerbread Man
KODAK: Education - The Photo gingerbread Connection
Here are some very fun lesson ideas using a gingerbread man to help your students
become familiar with their school.
KODAK:Education - Have Camera - Will Travel Through Time
Try these activities to help your students get acquainted with their school surroundings.
A Taste of Cyberspace
Read about the history of gingerbread and get a gingerbread man recipe.
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